My world exists very much of IT in generel (IT being Information Technology). I like to work with IT, I like to play with IT, I like to use IT. Everywhere you see me, I probably have some IT-gadget with me. USB-key, notebook, mobile phone with GPRS-data connectionto check my news, or perhaps my work phone with my synchronized calendar, contacts and e-mails.
I use this part of my site, to keep track of my various ownings of computers and the many gadgets. This way I can refer people to my site if they want to know how I built my computer and with which peripherals.
To the right you’ll see links to my various computerconfigurations over the years. I’ve also listed some of my most treasured peripherals under Miscellanneous.
Furthermore I’ve created a list of my software interests. As you might have noticed, I take a specific liking in coding PHP, but that is in a direct contrast to the many Microsoft products I like to install and configure 🙂