Welcome to my little website

On this page you’ll find information about… me! That’s what a personal website is all about, right?
I’ve got some gaming categories you can look at, which contains savegames, videos and more. Also, I use this site as my page-of-reference to all things IT-related. Maybe you can use my tips, maybe not. But basically, they’re there for me 🙂
So who am I? Well, I’m an IT-guy who knows how to use a computer, how to fix them (software-wise), how to build them, how to run them (manage them), and understand them. Since I’m also a programmer (a coder), I generally understand why a computer does what it does and yes, things ARE complicated. As almost any professional will tell you if you give them a question regarding their profession, my answer will also be “it depends” 😉
Besides IT, I also enjoy animals (mostly the poultry kind), travelling, sci-fi movies, tv-series and books (yes! Books, albeit, read on a Kindle). I’m also interested in my health, but probably not in a way you’ll find extreme. I’m also an introvert person and enjoy my time alone if and when the opportunity arises – hence I best like asynchronous communication 😉
1 Comment
Idk if you speak Danish but MADS DAM AUTOBOTS, RUL UD!