ConfigMgr – Remove Google Chrome with batch-file .cmd

ConfigMgr – Remove Google Chrome with batch-file .cmd

Posted by on 07. J 2022 in Blog

I got an assignment. Remove Google Chrome completely from all computers in the organisation. Even if it’s user-based (aka not admin-installed but user-based)

Chrome can be installed in many different way:

  • User-based (AppData\Local)
  • msi-based (msiexec /i googleenterprise.msi /passive /norestart)
  • other-thingie-based (where there’s a setup.exe ensuring updates, I think)

The last one and user-based are tricky, when wanting to uninstall every Chrome in the organisation, because the uninstaller is always inside a version-folder, so I did this:

For user-uninstallation, I need to iterate every user on the pc:

FOR /D %%X IN ("%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Users\*") DO (
    DO /D %%Y IN ("%%X\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\*") DO (
          "%%Y\Installer\setup.exe" --uninstall --multi-install --chrome --msi --force-uninstall

and then there might be a system-level installation in both 64-bit and 32-bit folders of Program Files:

SET SRC1=%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application
SET SRC2=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Google\Chrome\Application

FOR %%X IN ("%SRC1%\*") DO (
    "%%X\Installer\setup.exe" --uninstall --multi-install --chrome --msi --system-level -force-uninstall

FOR %%X IN ("%SRC2%\*") DO (
    "%%X\Installer\setup.exe" --uninstall --multi-install --chrome --msi --system-level -force-uninstall

This way it’ll be uninstalled, if there are any user-level installation, and system-wide-installation. You can also do the usual msiexec /x GUID /quiet /norestart but, well. yeah, it’ll not always uninstall everything.

Google Chrome Portable is a totally other story. Haven’t figured that out yet…. AppLocker?