UniFi – Controller Windows-stuff
I love Ubiquitis UniFi-wifi services – Not insanely expensive, and yet, still controllerbased! This is mostly for my own reference
Upgrading UniFi Controller – Windows
This is my method used when upgrading the UniFi Controller when run in another folder on a Windows system:
- Navigate to installfolder in command prompt – fx D:\ServerStuff\Ubiquiti UniFi
- stop the service with the following command (u cannot use services.msc, it won’t stop properly)
java -jar lib\ace.jar stopsvc - Move the installfolder to %userprofile%
- Upgrade with the new exe-file
- Start controller once, and stop it again
- move installfolder back
- start the service witht the following command
java -jar lib\ace.jar startsvc
Setting up a new UniFi Controller as a Windows service
- Install the UniFi controller
- Open up tcp port 8443 ingoing in Windows Advanced Firewall
- Move the installfolder to your desired location
- Open command prompt and navigate to your installfolder (fx D:\ServerStuff\Ubiquiti UniFi)
- Run the following command to install the service
java -jar lib\ace.jar installsvc - Start the service
java -jar lib\ace.jar startsvc