Exchange 2007 SP2 – Full Access and Send As-rights
So, interesting. I see many people have problems with making sure that some users can send e-mails asanother user, on behalf of another user, and even access another users mailbox entirely.
There are 3 scenarios here:
- You want to let a user send as another user
(as if the other user themselves sent the e-mail) - You want to let a user send on behalf of another user
(the receiving person sees that it’s you sending on behalf of the other - You want to give a user full accessrights to another users mailbox
(The user can access another users mailbox and read all items in it.)
Note that giving a person FullAccessrights is NOT the same as giving them Send-As or SendOnBehalf-permissions!! The user is only able to read the items in the other users mailbox, he/she cannot send e-mails!
To give a user FullAccess-rights on another users mailbox, do this in Exchange Management Shell(EMS):
Add-MailboxPermission “Mailbox” -User “Trusted User” -AccessRights FullAccess
Add-MailboxPermission “madsd” -User “jesper” -AccessRights FullAccess
This gives Jesper the FullAccess-rights to go open and browse all of my mailbox (but he cannot send e-mail)
Effective: Immediately!
To give a user the Send-As permission on another users mailbox, do this in EMS:
Add-ADPermission “Mailbox” -User “Domain\User” -Extendedrights “Send As”
Add-ADPermission “madsd” -User “isites\jesper” -Extendedrights “Send As”
This gives jesper the ability to send and e-mail as me, so it’ll look as if it’s coming directly from me. The recipient won’t know Jesper sent it.
Effective: When replication has finished or when MS Exchange Information Store-service has been restarted!
To give a user the SendOnBehalf-permission, do this:
Search here (cause I’m too lazy to find out ^^)