Adobe Reader DC – Hide Tools Pane

Adobe Reader DC – Hide Tools Pane

Posted by on 16. J 2015 in Blog

So – ever since Adobe Reader DC came out – I’ve tried hiding the annoying right side pane that comes up everytime I open a pdf-file – this is what Adobe calls the Tools pane.

In April 2015 – Adobe Reader DC 15.007.20033 it was not possible to hide this pane, but with the newest version 15.008.20082 it IS!

Now, what I do for my users is add these two registry entries upon a new installation. (I’ve used Customization Wizard and added registry in there in a default_settings.mst-file which I use under deployment)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\AVGeneral
bExpandRHPInViewer REG_DWORD 0

I needed to create the AVGeneral key and create the DWORDS inside that.

The above is for my mst-file. If you use a .reg-file or other method – remember that Reader is a 32-bit program, and running in 64-bit, you will have to put it in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\AVGeneral instead.

If the user manually chooses another setting inside Adobe Reader, then they problably have priority over machine setting.